Our Insight:
SyFy changes the way you see the world.
The Idea:
Create a digital advertising campaign that promotes the SyFy brand. We presented a user mapping legend micro site with corresponding mobile app that promotes SyFy as the channel that serves all of science fiction.
The OTHERSIDE of everything.
App & Microsite
Using the GPS Geocaching OTHERSIDE App SyFy fans can photography and tag their favorite urban legends and local supernatural sites.
Tracking user tags, the microsite creates an online searchable map of the OTHERSIDE of America, highlighting these fan submissions. As users submit to the site, they unlock exclusive SyFy content.
Everybody has a dark corner they dare not look in. Join our quest to catalogue the other side of America by submitting photos of your hometown horrors and supernatural sightings. Unlock hidden content from your favorite SyFy shows, charting the hidden realms of your world within the SyFy OTHERSIDE App.